Planning a Wedding That Has Meaning for You: A Guide

Planning a wedding that is personal to you is important, or else you might feel as if you are spending the entire day in someone else’s life. This means that, rather than following tradition or what a wedding planner or your family want for you, you should choose elements for your wedding that you adore and that have meaning to you. If you are struggling to get up the confidence to do this or do not know where to start, here are some top tips to plan a perfect, personal wedding for you and your spouse.
Choose Your Favorite Flowers
Flowers have meaning, and these meanings should especially not be dismissed on your wedding day. Instead of choosing the flowers that look pretty, you should opt for those that say what you want to convey and that are symbols of your relationship. For instance, roses are the famous symbols of romantic love, while white carnations can show pure love. You might also want to opt for flowers such as chrysanthemums, which can mean joy, positivity, and fidelity. However, there is nothing wrong with choosing flowers that have meaning only for you, such as the first type of flowers that you gifted each other or the sort of flower that you have grown in your garden. In fact, you might even decide to fill your wedding with flowers that you have uprooted from your backyard.
Hang Up Photos
To ensure that your wedding is filled to bursting with memories before you have even started the ceremony, you might consider hanging up a picture wall filled with photos of your loved ones and your journey as a couple. You might also use this opportunity to commemorate lost loved ones or people who are unable to travel to your wedding and who are greatly missed. This can be a great way to add a personal touch to your décor while also giving your guests something to peruse while they wait for the ceremony to begin, and you might be able to keep all these photos after your wedding is long over.
Find a Sentimental Venue
However, you need to find a venue that does not feel cold and clinical and that does not feel as if it has ceremony after ceremony, traipsing through it as if you are on a conveyor belt. You should look around for a venue whose staff care about your big day and that you believe will be memorable for you. You might also decide on a type of venue that you love or is associated with your hobby or passion. For instance, if you often vacation near the sea, you might consider looking for a seaside venue. This means that you should look for a captivating wedding reception venue that is handpicked by you. You might even look around for a venue where you have held an event in the past, or that has sentimental value, such as a building that you have passed each day for many years or spent a lot of time in.
Wear Something Borrowed
However, giving a wedding meaning is written into many of the traditions associated with weddings. For instance, it is common for brides to wear something borrowed on their big day. This means that you should consider borrowing a piece of jewelry or an accessory from someone that you love and care for. Perhaps this could be an object that they wore on their own wedding day. By doing this, you will be able to feel as if you are draped in the past and sentimentality while also looking toward a bright future for yourself as you create a new family.
Mix Up the Vows
Rather than sticking to the vows that you believe you have to say, you should consider ditching the more usual vows and opting for a more contemporary choice. You might be able to find new versions of vows online, or if you are feeling creative, you could even write your own. This could help you to make promises to your partner that you believe in and that you mean in their entirety instead of vows that you are only saying by rote.
Enjoy the Perfect First Dance
It’s the moment you have been waiting for. The first dance. Why not pick music that you adore, no matter how eccentric it is instead of a cheesy tune that many couples choose? You might settle on a piece of music that you dance around to in the kitchen or one that was playing at a certain time in your life. You could also choose a song for its lyrics, especially if they describe your love with the other person. This will allow you to have a perfect first dance and give you a moment that is entirely yours together when you can shut out everyone else who is in the room and watching you. This will allow you to make your wedding day completely yours.
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