What can you do to be relieved from vertigo?

Vertigo is characterized by a sudden feeling of dizziness & disorientation, without any external stimuli. Vertigo patients feel a sudden sensation of their surroundings moving or spinning, even while they are perfectly still. Vertigo isn’t a condition in itself, but a symptom of some other underlying illness. Diagnosing this underlying cause of Vertigo is crucial for Vertigo & dizziness treatment. Although Vertigo isn’t fatal or dangerous in any way, Vertigo symptoms can cause significant disruptions to a person’s daily life and everyone want an answer that How to relieve vertigo.
It also poses a risk of falling, accidents, & injury should vertigo attacks occur during running, walking, driving, or any other exercise requiring complete focus & concentration. Vertigo & the accompanying dizziness can be treated via certain Vertigo exercises & home remedies, Vertigo medicines, & other alternative treatments that help How to relieve vertigo naturally. But before your doctor attempts to treat your Vertigo, it’s important to know which type of Vertigo you are suffering from.
Vertigo is of two types:
Peripheral Vertigo
Which is caused by an issue with the inner ear or the vestibular nerve? This is the most common type of vertigo, seen in about 93% of Vertigo patients.
Central Vertigo
Which is caused by issues arising in the brain?
Almost all of the various exercises for Vertigo target Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), a type of Peripheral Vertigo. It is caused by tiny calcium carbonate crystals moving into the semicircular canal of the inner ear, thus causing the inner hair cells to send out conflicting balance signals to the brain regarding a person’s position in time & space. These confusing signals lead to patients experiencing dizziness & nausea, along with other Vertigo symptoms such as motion sickness, disorientation, etc.
In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the most successful Vertigo & dizziness treatments available in the medical world today to treat BPPV. If you have Central Vertigo or Peripheral Vertigo caused by any other factor other than inner ear crystal movement, then these exercises might not prove very helpful for you.
Read on to know more about How to relieve vertigo
1. Brandt-Daroff Exercises
Brandt-Daroff exercises are one of the most recommended Vertigo exercises for the treatment of BPPV. It utilizes the principle of gravity to dislodge calcium crystals from the semicircular canal to their original position.
To perform the Branndt-Daroff exercises, follow the below mentioned steps that help you on How to relieve vertigo:
- Sit on the bed with your feet placed on the floor, & turn your head 45 degrees in the right direction.
- Lie down on your left side without moving your head. Now, wait for about 30 seconds to allow any dizziness to pass.
- Return to your original position & again pause for 30 seconds.
- Turn your head to the left 45 degrees, & repeat above steps on the right side.
- Return to the original position, & pause for about 30 seconds.
- Perform a set of 5 repetitions each, repeating the exercise everyday for about 2-3 weeks.
Give yourself some time for any dizziness to pass before performing any activities immediately after performing the exercises.
2. Semont Maneuver
The Semont Maneuver, also called liberatory maneuver, is another highly recommended Vertigo exercise. It also requires slightly less time to perform than the Brandt-Daroff maneuver, although it is best done under the supervision of your healthcare provider. To perform this maneuver, your healthcare provider will ask you to follow the below mentioned steps:
- Sit on the edge of your bed & turn your head 45 degrees to the right.
- Quickly drop to your left side until your head is on the bed, & hold for at least 30 seconds.
- Now move your body to the right side in one movement, without changing the angle of your head.
- Hold this position for about 30 seconds, & slowly return to your original position.
In case you have right-ear BPPV, & turn your head in the right direction & start by dropping on your left side. You should feel relief after performing this maneuver only once.
3. Epley Maneuver
The Epley Maneuver, also called the Canalith repositioning maneuver, is another highly recommended & effective exercise for Vertigo. The Epley Maneuver originally needed two people to perform, while the modified Epley Maneuver can be performed at home. Follow the below mentioned steps to perform the Epley Maneuver at home:
- Sit on your bed, place your legs straight ahead & put a pillow behind you.
- Turn your head to the left 45 degrees.
- Quickly lie back placing your shoulders on the pillow, & hold for 30 seconds.
- Turn your head to the right 90 degrees without lifting it up, & hold for 30 seconds.
- Turn your head & body another 90 degrees to the right without lifting it up, & hold for 30 seconds.
- Now, sit straight on the edge of the bed.
Do the maneuver at least thrice a day, & repeat every day until you find that the symptoms have ceased. These steps are for when you have left-ear BPPV. In case of right ear BPPV, perform these steps on the opposite side.
4. Foster Maneuver
The Foster Maneuver, also called the half-somersault maneuver, is one of the most easy to perform exercises for Vertigo. The reason behind this is that it isn’t something that needs the supervision of another person, or requires you to be in bed. The following Foster Maneuver steps are for when you have left ear BPPV. In case of right-ear BPPV, perform these on the opposite side.
- Kneel down & place your hands on the floor, tilting your head up & back. Wait for any dizziness to pass.
- Next, place your forehead on the floor, & tuck in your chin towards your knees.
- Turn your head 45 degrees to face your elbow, & hold for 30 seconds.
- While keeping your head 45 degrees, raise it until it’s on the same level as your back & shoulders. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
- Raise your head to a fully upright position next.
- Repeat the steps 4-5 times until you feel relief. Wait at least 15 minutes between each attempt.
5. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba has been touted by many Vertigo experts as being a very effective Vertigo medicine for vertigo & dizziness treatment. It is available in liquid or capsule formats both. Consult with your doctor before starting the medication to avoid any side effects.
6. Stress Reduction
Vertigo is worsened by acute or chronic stress, a fact that medical experts agree with. Vertigo patients are advised to keep their stress in check by indulging in stress management activities like Yoga, reading, singing, dancing, knitting, sewing, etc. You can also try Karate lessons & Tai Chi classes to work out all the nervous energy generated due to everyday stress.
7. Getting proper sleep
Getting an adequate 8 hours of sleep is very important to managing stress, as well as keeping Vertigo episodes in check. When the body doesn’t get enough sleep, dizziness & migraine headaches ensue, thus worsening any preexisting vertigo symptoms.
8. Staying hydrated
Just like how the lack of sleep affects the body, the lack of hydration also leads to a dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, motion sickness, & fainting in severe cases. Ensuring that you drink enough water every day helps keep severe Vertigo episodes at bay.
9. Staying away from Alcohol & caffeine
Alcohol & caffeine consumption has been linked to severe Vertigo episodes & lingering symptoms. Reducing your alcohol & caffeine intake greatly helps in limiting Vertigo attacks over a long period of time.
10. Vitamin D
For people who suffer from acutely severe symptoms of BPPV, increasing intake of Vitamin D in their daily diets has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms. You can start by including milk or milk supplements in your diet, along with orange juice, canned tuna, & egg yolk.
Know more about How to relieve symptoms of vertigo,Vertigo causes, its diagnosis, treatment, & Vertigo in Hindi.
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